Don't you just hate it when your coloring something with a specific color in a frame, and you go to the next frame, and everything is suddenly highlighted, and then when you select a color it colors the whole thing unintentionally?
Don't you just hate it that you either have to click out of it every frame or use a three key combination to shortcut a deselect all?
Don't you just hate it when you paste a color code like #ffffff (white) into the line or fill you wish to use and as soon as you move your mouse, it takes the background color, forcing you to keep your mouse as still as possible and press enter?
Don't you just hate it when you just colored an outline using the brush tool, checking 11 times that the there are no gaps, but then find that you cannot fill your outline, forcing you to use a gap fill and forcing you to fill in the color gaps it's left behind?
Don't you just hate it when you screw up with a while statement in actionscript, and crash your game or animation, and no "actionscript was running longer than 15 minutes, kill script?" message appears for about 2 hours?
Don't you just hate it when you do one thing for something, it doesn't work for something else, for no apparent reason?
Flash is good, but it sometimes gets on my nerves... *twitch*
sudden edit:
Don't you just hate it when you see flash suddenly stop, for no reason, and longer than 2 seconds, and you realize whats about to happen, and panic as all of your unsaved work vanishes before your eyes?
<a href=""> 8NDDA</a>
oh shi-